Structural Steel Design Awards 2017
The shortlist for the annual Structural Steel Design Awards has been announced by the British Constructional Steelwork Association and Steel for Life.
Held each year to showcase and highlight the appeal of using structural steel in construction projects, this year’s awards feature a range of stunning buildings across the UK.
From the highly distinctive The Curve in Slough, The Leadenhall Building in London and Central Square in Leeds through to a stunning staircase for the Wellcome Collection and West Croydon Bus Station, the 17 finalists offer a stunning representation of a wide range of structural steel buildings. The Structural Steel Design Awards demonstrate some of the ways in which structural steel can be used to create highly distinctive buildings, in projects covering everything from education buildings and infrastructure facilities, through to commercial developments, electricity pylons and bridges.
The benefits of structural steel
Despite the fact that the construction industry is currently facing undeniably tough market conditions, the range of finalists clearly demonstrates the versatility and growing appeal of structural steel. As regular readers of our blog will know, here at Steelwork Engineering we’re always keen to promote the benefits of using structural steel in building projects and these awards offer a great way to demonstrate just how durable, energy efficient and adaptable steel really is.
To find out more about the awards and the projects shortlisted, please visit Steel Construction Info’s website.
Contact Steelwork Engineering
If you would like to find out more about our structural steel design, manufacture and installation services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to speak to one of our team.